What you need to know – Drafting International Contracts

This two-day course in Drafting International Contracts will give you the solid legal foundation required when dealing with International Contracts.


27. – 28. nov.

Påmeldingsfrist: 30. okt.


12 juridiske timer



JUS Lab, Kristian Augusts gate 9, Oslo


Medlemmer: 9 900 NOK

Andre: 12 500 NOK


Hva lærer du?

The two-day course "Drafting International Contracts" will give you the solid legal foundation required when dealing with international contracts. From the pre-contractual/negotiation phase to the actual drafting and negotiation of the contract itself; the course will provide a better understanding of the many relevant aspects of the drafting process in an international setting.

The course is set up in a very practical way. Attending this course will enable you to take a more active role in the international contracts drafting process. You will become more familiar with the legal differences between various jurisdictions and will become better aware of the considerable impact that these differences may have on any given international contract. In addition, you will get a better understanding of the contract structure and the clauses used in international contracts.

Jochem van Rijn is the lecturer for this course. He is a Dutch lawyer with more than 20 years of international legal experience. He spent many years in Denmark and has both taught at several Danish universities and organised inhouse courses for Scandinavian Law Firms. Furthermore, he has been teaching this particular course regularly and with very good evaluations.

Hvem passer kurset for?

The course is especially aimed at lawyers that are exposed to and/or directly working with international contracts. In order to assure and optimal interaction between the course and participants, the maximum number of participants is set at 20. Participants are required to be reasonably fluent in English

Program / /

Skriv ut
8:30 Registrering og velkomstkaffe
9:00 The course begins

Takeaways from this course:

The course provides for comprehensive overview of the legal considerations one has to make when dealing with the drafting and negotiation process of international contracts. The differences between the major legal systems are outlined and comparisons are made on a country-by-country level. Furthermore, the course will both provide a better understanding of the overall structure of an international contract and give the participants an overview of the main clauses used in international contracts.

Content and form of the course

The course covers the following areas:

  • Introduction to International Contract Law
  • Selection of some fundamental basic legal concepts, applicable law, relevant international organizations etc.
  • The pre-contractual phase - including letters of Intent and non-disclosure agreements Formation, recitals and the battle of forms
  • Analysis of the contract structure and the most important contract clauses
  • Interpretation clauses
  • Limitation of liability and liquidated damages
  • Conformity of goods and services / best efforts
  • Penalty clauses
  • Confidentiality clauses
  • Assignment clauses
  • Force Majeur & hardship clauses
  • Termination clauses
  • Choice of law and jurisdiction
  • International dispute resolution
Advokat Jochem van Rijn,
Advokat Joachem van Rijn

16:30 Første kursdag er over




JUS har flere fagtilbud innenfor kontraktsrett. Vi avholder et årlig kurs i oktober/november, innføringskurs i kontrakter ved behov og mindre temakurs når det er aktuelt. Det årlige kurset har faste poster som gjennomgang av rettspraksis og nyheter i rettsutviklingen, samt aktuelle og interessante temaer for deg som arbeider med kontrakter.

Mer informasjon om fagutvalget